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Need a German text translated into English? Need to have an English text checked before publication?

I translate and edit websites, articles, conference papers and all manner of other texts in a wide range of subject areas. I have a solid academic background in languages, a diploma in translation, and several years of experience as a translator and editor.

Qualifications: BA & MA (University of Auckland), PhD (University of London), Dip Trans (Chartered Institute of Linguists, London): German to English, passed with distinction in all papers.

Languages: Native language English, near-native German, fluent French, intermediate Italian, basic Russian and Latin.

Experience: Since 2009 I have worked full time as a freelance translator and editor, working with agencies and private clients, and have translated and edited many hundreds of documents on a wide range of subjects. Since 2010 I’ve worked regularly with Textworks Translations, an agency specializing in academic translation and editing. See here for more about my experience and interests.

Interested? Please contact me for further information and a free quote. References supplied upon request.